


The first and only comprehensive textbook in urgent care medicine covering all of the key core competencies in a focused, easily referenced format. Edited and authored by recognized leaders in urgent care education. Formatted to be used efficiently in everyday practice. Presented within the framework of a typical encounter. Covers pearls and pitfalls, from triage to disposition. Presented in a just-the-facts style. Focused on urgent care relevance and the unique challenges of the urgent care setting. Includes risk management and medicolegal pearls embedded and separately highlighted for quick reference at the point of care.

Topics Include: Neurologic Urgencies, Facial Droop, Headache, Vertigo, Acute Focal Neurologic Deficit, Head Injury: Altered Mental Status; Heat / Cold Urgencies; Head, Eye, Ear, Nose / Throat Urgencies; Epistaxis, Acute Eye Trauma, Acute Vision Loss, The Acute Nontraumatic Red Eye, Otitis Media, Sinusitis, Dental Injuries / Pain, Sore Throat, Respiratory Urgencies, Wheezing / Asthma, Dyspnea, Respiratory Tract Infections, Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis, Cardiac Urgencies, Syncope, Chest Pain, Palpitations, Peripheral Edema, Nausea, Vomiting / Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Genitourinary Urgencies, Dysuria / Urinary Tract Infections in Adult / Pediatric Patients, Flank Pain and Kidney Stones; Orthopedic, Environmental, and Traumatic Urgencies; Neck Pain, Ankle / Foot Pain / Injury, Lower Extremity Pain / Injury, Shoulder / Upper Extremity Pain / Injury, Hand / Wrist Pain / Injury, Chest Wall / Other Thoracic Trauma, Facial Injuries, Laceration Repair / Wound Management, Needlesticks, Insect Bites / Stings, Back Pain, Gynecologic and Obstetric Urgencies, Vaginal Bleeding, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Dermatologic Urgencies, Common Dermatologic Conditions, Urticaria / Angioedema, Skin / Soft-Tissue Infections, Contact Dermatitis, Burns, Pediatric Urgencies: Respiratory Difficulty, Vomiting / Diarrhea, Upper Respiratory Infections, Abdominal Pain, Limp, Upper / Lower Extremity Injuries, Fever Without a Source, Foreign Bodies, Excessive Crying in Infants; Toxicologic and Medication-Related Urgencies, The Drug-Seeking Patient, Toxicologic Urgencies, Anaphylaxis, Nonspecific Urgencies, Fatigue / Generalized Weakness, Mental Health Urgencies, Psychiatric Urgencies




A quintessential practice management guide to starting, operating and selling your clinic. This 47-chapter book is perfect for the owner/operator with no previous urgent care business experience, or the investor with little knowledge of the urgent care industry.